Thursday, March 12, 2009

As for As?!

Hmmm. time to share my A lvls results.. Pretty satisfied by it. but think i could have done alittle bit better?. Its often when u get a B that u find it wasted u didnt work hard enough to secure an A.. that goes for my GP. and still feeling very heartache for the B for Pw. put in effort but wasnt seen.. Sighh..

However, on the bright side.. i got my As for Chinese and my 4H2s. one of the top students.. but not the extreme top (ok ASTA!!) hmm. ppl might be envoius of my results... but it somehow gives me headache also. which course to enter and if i wana enter the tough courses... i really need to be mentally prepared and ready for interviews and everything.. and hopefully get accepted.. AHHHHHHH!! STRESS!!!

How How How?!?! Alrdy have few courses and scholarships in mind. but aint sure if i can secure them. asked arnd for some suggestions and really gotta thank those hu helped me..

Really tired now. post the outing with s01 later in the morning or afternoon...


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