Saturday, October 25, 2008
i shouldnt be blogging.
but this is one important news that i need to inform..
My enlistment date is on 11th Dec (Thurs).
(less than 2 months huh..)
The day when i will go BOTAK!!
Those who havent comment at my post below.. pls do kay?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wish me LUCK!
(including ppl who dun normally tag.. like mai huishan yb..)
(i dun care if i sound rude xD)
i really need it..
Please!! =)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ytd wanted to sleep. but switched off my tv to catch a show glimpse of any show to kill my boredom. suddenly. saw something from the corner of my eye. something small, dark moving past very quickly. cuz it was dark. i didnt noe wad exactly it was.
Initially wanted to ignore it. but remembered from a story when i was young that someone had ants entering his ear and created a nest in his skull!! IMMEDIATELY MAN! i jump up from my bed. switched on my light and saw one BIG FAT COCKROACH!!
cuz was warm. i switched on the air-con. so couldnt use pesticide. den used tissue to try to catch it. first time. Bang my table. and got a terrible bruise. IM FREAKING A CHICKEN I TELL U!! i dun dare to catch it. tried to drop tissue on it(effectivce okay!!) den it wont move le. but missed twice. ltr it went to my adidas bag(lucky never enter. if enter i clean my bad thrice sia!) . and it was hell sweeping it out. suddenly it went zooooooom and was like coming towards me.. I JUMP SIA!! SCAREDY CAT ME! den eventually managed to catch it. using the method above..
but now. another qn. how to throw it away? i was afraid that when i tried to grab by the tissue it would crawl out and touch my hand. GROSS SIA! so used a piece of paper and slowly slot underneath. lucky nv crawl out. Den quickly toss it out of my room.. hope no1 below my flat.
LOL!! one post on how i battled a cockroach. Lame huh?! But these are the little things that make life interesting.
Told this story to huiting today. and she said lucky that cockroach didnt fly to u.. i was like "YEAHHHHH!! FLY TO ME I RUN TO BATHROOM AND TAKE A BATH SIA!!" but try imagining this:
when u see a cockroach (fat one) flying towards ur face. and ure so afraid that u scream!! den. IN WENT THE COCKROACH INTO UR MOUTH!! i dunno whether to laugh or to cry xD
This entire post tells u all one thing: I HATE COCKROACHES!!
Hope J1s can receive good grades tmr for their Promos!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I wanted to try a different hairstyle. aint got much chances when i enter army. xD wanted to cut a shorter fringe with no side-parting.. but went over there. but didnt do so eventually. afraid of regretting. and not very happy with the new hairstyle anyway..
I so gonna get a blasting hairdo for prom mans!!
Heeeheee.. those 2 belong to my bro. who went over to Queensland for NS training for a month!. coming back urm.. like the end of my 2nd last paper!? den my mum went over to europe for work. 2 weeks!! den go to bangkok for a stopover for 3days? back on the day after my GP paper..
That leaves...... me and my dad. Im so hell sure the house will be toppled by both of us. cuz most of the time we are really loggerheads. as i really dun like him drinking and making lots of noise when he comes back. Worse still! He nags at me for going to school to study :/
Ok. back to the topic.. I-POD!! LOl. 1 month. black(aint my fave colour though). but all are jap songs. but nvm. lazy to upload songs though. will take up an entire day. cannot waste time anymore. just make do with it.. oh yeah. and my stupid bro took the earpiece with him. and i searched high and low before i found one that matches.. next comes the stupid part. i was finding the charger. and ltr read the manual that it is charged by connecting to comp. stupid me!! xD
Hais..another topic!! went to cut hair just now. and the sky was really darkening. but heck the weather. cut finish. came out of the shop and it was pouring like crazy. managed to walk to the bus-stop without getting wet. den when i alighted. it was hell shit... Somemore i was carrying my GP book along to memorise facts. and my bro i-pod... Protected this 2 stuff + my hp and was seriously drenched man!.. But the book wasnt that wet.. HENG SIA!!. Ms Kumar better not scold me for anything man. I treated the book more importantly than my health sia..
Friday, October 17, 2008
Bad Luck!
As usual when to school to study. and guess wad..
GIFT FROM HEAVEN!! (can guess from the colour?)
Yucks! dun really feel like bloggin today..
Monday, October 13, 2008
My fave Grp when im young
Here's the vid
Oh.. another song here,
Say goodbye
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Happy CHINESE bday Czl!
In e middle i saw 2 interesting happenings. 1stly. a mother was asking the daugther to help her carry some stuff.
Mum: Eh. can help me carry this not.
Daughter: Dun wan lah. i carryin my bag le hor...
Mum: you better take HOR!!! (her 'HOR' was really like a lion roaring mans..)
secondly. i was walking behind a woman with umbrella. and wads interesting was that the weather wasnt very hot. BUT!! i think she made the rice decision man. cuz she was shielded by a falling white slimy substance -------- Bird Poo!
Went over to a temporary supermarket to get some sweets. my mum wana give the foreigners when she meeting them this sat. she flying off to germany i tink. aint too sure also. and bought some herbal soup stuff.. den saw one very interesting pram. can go up and down de. then e baby like ma-cham sitting on trolley like tt. very interesting... den my mum treated me to AJISEN!! YUM YUM!!
Hmmm. went back home and did maths before leaving home to cut hair near czl place. reached there and the shop closed -.- wasted trip. den progressed to westmall to meet the peeps. went to get a green apple green tea. and saw Ms Tng! kinda paiseh cuz she was talkin to another fren. said hi den walked off le. den spilled alittle of the drink on my shirt and went to wash it off.. wait for the rest and off we went.
as usual. climbed Mount Everest and was welcomed by a BUNNY! the mascot was played by Czl Father.. den we realised we were invited to celebrate his chinese bday!. and he thinks it's weird. Lol.. den the way the bunny acted just doesnt seem the impression i have of czl father. like a kid lykdat. wanting to punch czl tummy LOL
started talkin again. and the topic went back to cars for like 4-5times? hmm. went to play with hk new car. took the driver seat and explored the various buttons. =X den went out. while joan and abigail remained inside. Stupid howkiat then used his controller to lock them inside LOl but let them out for fear they step on his PRECIOUS BMW..
ouhh.. ltr tok tok and went back home. IN HOWKIAT'S BMW!! Cool mans! these are the pics we took!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
some memories in pjc..
Do, Re, Soh!!
Acting cute..
Sian diaos.. e woman in red behind is ms xiao. my council teacher and lixin CT
To be alittle BHB. i tink this photo looks nice man
My class boys. the one on the left is joyce's boyfriend. and the right my CM!
The Boys clique.
Tzewei always like to be expressionless..
My Ex-GP tutor. Ms Kelly Chone! plus the noisy clique!
Me eating up 老人.. and she's enjoying it..
tink xinyi took this while i was laming arnd.
My CT! Mr Gabriel Wong!
My partner(janice), my successor(rekha) and me!!
Mr Eddie Koh, one of council SCTA. guess wad. his sister is Mdm Jessie Koh! (BVSS ex-VP)
farveen yanbing me zhongri
Me and Ciau'Er (712) thanks her loads for my entire SC term mans
Me with Yb cap. nice rite?. but super EX! $60+.. Luo Zhixiang brand.
Me and weelin. Our Council Blur Queen
My Council President!! Wilfred Teo!
Save the best for the last huh?!. Thanks CZL man!! You're really great fren!!
Im Unhealthy!! Very!!
Yesterday was farewell assembly. sounds kinda emotional rite.. hm. had bio lecture in the morning and stupid mr wong wanted us to finish up the acjc paper 2. troublesome mans. den was econs lecture. ponnned it to play games in class xD went back to s01 class and was chased out 30mins ltr as other class was using it for GSC lesson. moved to a nearby class and started playing 比手话脚 (aim: act out the words that opponents set for us and guess correctly).. as usual girls vs guys.. 7 vs 4 =.= we set extremely difficult qns as usual. things like 神雕侠侣, 蜡笔小新, came out. how to act out without speaking. ok. played and made freaking alot of noise.. suddenly some of our class ppl entered and can guess off the most difficult ones immediately. we were like WOAHH!!
Hmm. during the CT lesson. mr wong brought a cake along. to celebrate As approaching?! nvm. den had loads of tidbits to grab. i caught hold of the calbee the spicy one. and everyone started Preben!! Preben! Dun selfish lahh.... etc. den while ppl aint looking. i hid in my bag XD
after that. louise came and snatch it from me and opened it to the entire class. and they started without me!! Argghh! Ms Chan gave us lollipop! and there's still some sweets in my bag now. =x oh. zhixiang wrote to all the guys a note. and also the noisy clique. but none of us wrote anything to him. (the guys didnt even write to anybody) and feeling very regretful now.. came out. and the girls opened the letter. and................................................. THERE!! was his face! =.=
Farewell assembly was great! the emcees were alittle nervous actually. i really loved mr wong's performance man.. SUPER DUPER FUNNY! ms xiao was in the performance too. cant imagine them dancing on stage with such funky moves. and mr wong looked so much our age. when he's actually10yrs older. the entire class was so cheering and laughing like mad all the way. we then became very high. oh yeah. when our class received the best class CIP award or sth. the entire class stood up and clapped. but some backed out. i tink we are damn ki-siao. standing right at the front of the hall.. we then made our way to parade square to release balloons to mark the end..
after that. cam-whored for a while and off we went to Seoul Garden!. walked the ulu ulu jungle path. whereby we had to cross the jungle, cross a railway track and a drain. exciting huh? but joyce was late by 8mins. and they gave up our seats to new customers. waited for alittle while and got a seat.. RIGHT AT THE ENTRANCE!! started gorging myself with food and tzewei got full really quickly. his speed of eating is like 3x my speed. damn ZAI! den soon we started gossiping and sharing our thoughts etc.. too many secrets xD
Ouh. ltr i went over to felicia's table as their soup was tom yam. IS SO MUCH NICER!! and stayed there the entire way.. each girl then started to go over to the guy's table to be "interrogated" damn funny! in exchange to guess 2x hu yongshin like in the class. they had to reveal like so many times more stuff about themselves. SUPER BO-HUA! things like "which girl u like if u are a guy", "wad are the things u look for in a guy" came out. and sadly.. only till the last girl till they guessed correctly. but is kept a secret xD.. in my table. felicia and shinyun started pestering me for the ans. but dunno why my lips were EXTREMELY SEALED that day. but obviously one of them had the ans. (u better dun be reading this man..)
Hmms. ended our lunch and we were cam-whoring again. outside the shop :/ den stupid shinyun revealed to the guys i am carrying a torch for someone. and no choice. had to say. cuz they shared theirs as well. (Czl and Joan. dun bother askin me. i wun say!) den discussed where to go.
BLOCK-CATCHING! but in the end nv materialise. our sch has been up on STOMP several times le. dun wan to be the next victim. and went over to the nearby playground. snatching the playground with the kids. climbed a mini-rockwall. Oh yeahh! there had a "leap of faith" or sth. whereby have to slide down a pole from the top of the playground.. i LOVED playing it when i was young. now... i was procrastinating and worried about sliding down. like super HUM! den tresa went down like a breeze. hmmm. eventually i slid down also.. SUPER FUN! and i played it another time.. LOl. i tink 老人 was up there like 30mins? dun dare to go down. Damn funny.. in the end she took the slide.
Oh yeah!! in e middle me tzewei and zhixiang Vs. shinyun huishan and felicia.... on a relay. 3x20m. Sounds easy?! try wearing socks and running on the pebble ground for the old aunties to walk. there wasnt forfeit but i guess we were pure sadist. when zhixiang about to finish. felicia saw no hope and u-turn back. without finishing the race. super funny. at the end.. all 6 of us were like screaming in pain xD we are damn freaking unhealthy.. played catching and was running like a BAI-KA! den funny. my shoe was very loose and i managed to throw my shoe into mid-air in the midst of running. just swinging my leg hard....
Hmmm. the game was so.. never-ending. and we sat down and played 比手话脚 again! played the chinese one once. and there were very lame things coming out. “我在垦丁天气晴”(show name).. "钻石夜总会". came out. i was the one saacting out. and guessed wad? ALL CORRECT! am i good or wad?!. LOl. the first one was the most difficult one. had to slowly act out word by word. 我,天.. the 在 was horrible, had to act out as if im 载-ing someone. and the 丁 had to act out a nametag and keep pointing to myself like crazy. super super funny. and many times michelle was like.. OH OH OH! THAT SHOW!! OH OH!! but was stuck.. damn funny..
den we had to include Mai and played english one.. OMG. english is SOOOOO MUCHHHHH more difficult to play i tell u. we set the theme on advertisemts. and god can i say huiting is so freaking good.. there was one qn which made everyone laugh like crazy. the set the advertisemt to be the herbal essence ad?. remember the african with the dreadlocks buying it and his hair becoming so silky smooth?.
老人 pointed at huiting..
Huiting: Me? Black?.. Ohh! Herbal Essence!!
den was our turn. the girls were so evil. we had to guess both the brand. and the product. like Laurier ultrafine. we were guessing ultra-slim. super slim everything was all wrong. EVIL LORHH!!
nxt up was on cartoon and food. i tink im so out of the world of cartoons. things like "totally spies", dunno wad fairy ones, all the new ones. those i knew was like tomas and frenz. bob the builder LOL! im losing my childhood mans. and the food was weirds. tzewei came out things like bread&butter pudding. HOW TO ACT PUDDING?!! 老人 acted out Pudding by spitting out sth. "Puuuuuuuuuu" mah.. =.= den i taught her how to act squid. she acted like a shark. placing her palms tgter and putting on top of her head. and acting though she swimming. seeing her face makes me laugh sia..
den i saw my topic. tot it was ok. cuz last time zx watched spirit. atlantis was okay. but difficult to act out. shld have used atlantic ocean though. oh yeah. den i was super duper pissed with one thing... "butter with cheese hotate(scallop)" when we said only english. Butter and cheese was easy. the with was hell! had to act out a box. and length breadth "width" took forever man. and ho-ta-te. lost at the "ta" acted out as "stamping in chinese" but none of my frenz had the same frequency as me. NVM!!
before going home. went to relay the pebble walk again. this time everyone playing 9v9! we were in the lead. but juliat accidentally stepped on the grass and she had to re-do. but nvm. i tink we won. cuz the other grp had one person not running. dunno why this time round. my leg was awfully pain. at this time when im blogging ALSO!! was screaming and shouting like mad.. dunno why leh. I TINK IM SUPER UNHEALTHY MANS!! it was more painful than e 1st time also
Sighhs. before we left. a woman came over and asked if we were sec sch kids.. what a line to end our day.... hmm. think this time was the most bonded time of my class. so different from Czl class huh?! (post the pics in another post!. i going to farveen's house for hari raya thingy. =) )
Thursday, October 9, 2008
last tutorial in PJ!
PE today was fun!! but 8 ppl as usual. =.= Played floorball. and it was 6 vs 2. i was one of the 6 though and zx the 2. den the 6 of us apparently didnt play fair. but so was zhixiang.
Some of the lame stuff we did:
- When the ball was about to enter the post. we lifted the post and take it as no goal
- den when we were trying to score a goal. huiting went to shift the goal post to allow it to enter
- stupid zx used his entire body to block the goal post. making it HELL DIFFICULT to score
- den we started whacking zx as he used his leg instead of the stick to play. since his leg is now the stick.
today. mr wong was really acting weird. smiling to himself. and started like ticking off the class in the end. nvm. long story...
im really in love with an anime now. and i tink i have written in the previous post. is Katekyo Hitman Reborn!! i chased 40+ epi in 3days. cool rite?. on a monday somemore xD the babies are really cute xD and they arent normal babies btw..this is Lambo. the most irritating, noisiest but funniest baby of them all =)

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
House Bunnnnnnny!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy Childrens' Day and Hari Raya
hehe wanted to blog ytd but fell asleep and couldnt wake up xD i tink i really cant rely on my hp and alarm clock. really req' my mum.. but only applies when i taking naps at nite. im not tt a pigg.
hmmm. kinda many things happened ytd. went to sch on 985. and very few ppl. maybe cuz not many J1s have morning paper. then managed to grab a seat (the outer one). but the seat inside had many cookie crumbs and i didnt move in.. afterwards ppl boarded the bus and kept starin at me. thinkin how irresponsible am i. in order to prove my "innocence" i kept turnin and lookin at the crumbs xD. when i alighted.. 1 woman quickly chionged into the seat and sat at the one with the crumbs. i was like. WOOHOOOO!! amd laughed while getting down.. E-V-I-L.....
hmm. the morning assembly had some problems. and go read czl blog for more details. actually i also think it was pulling of the flag in the wrong direction. plus clipping of the flag. dunno how to say.....
Bio lecture. mr wong showed the cohort performance. i was 3rd in the lvl for Bio!! kinda happy lah. but the top was an A lehh! a one and only A! WTH!! how i wish i was up there =X nvm. there's A LVLs!! then had some bloody mock exam. didnt really revise and was stuck in the essay xD
nxt was econs. got back my results. e only B in my class. Top! not too bad. only 1 A in cohort and 8Bs. but results itself dipped abit. and mdm khoo started to digress afterwards.. sometimes praising herself uphigh and sometimes cracking alot of jokes. which at times i dun understand xD those who didnt do as well. WORK HARDER KAY!!....
Hmmm. chem lect. the teachers are like rotating like as though they gonna catch a movie. super fast. and i looked at my paper to realise i made alot of mistakes that i shldnt be making. sighhh
GP: got back my paper 1 grades. OMG man!! DIPPED ALOT CAN!! 6m! is like a grade lehh! i tink my gp this time round gonna drop like crazy! ALAMAK!! and czl said he passed. not bad arhhhhh!! ltr need to do her hmwk. which im kinda at a loss of how to start.
hmm. after sch headed to Mac with zhixiang tzewei huishan shinyun and felicia. cuz tzewei had to treat shinyun and huishan to ice-cream for winning them in econs. ironic huh?! winner treat loser =.= huishan initially wanted sundae but was persuaded to get Mcflurry as it was more EX! talking about kia-su.. gossiped alot and joked alot and made alot of noise. i tink super loud lah us. but not as loud as one handphone. 1 bloody ah-lian came in and blasted her hp. FREAKING LOUD! caught the attention of the entire place and after tt my fren was saying. "wana blast at least get a hp with better quality lahh!" but kinda true LOL
Hmmm. shld i stay back in sch for nite study?!